(972) 771 - 8851
60+ Years
Three Locations
Rockwall, Fate, & Round Rock, TX
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Welding is a key metal joining technique, and at SPM we have the equipment and skill to deliver high-quality welded parts at a competitive price.

Welding is an essential process for building parts and assemblies such as cabinets, frames, and enclosures. From our certified welders to our automated welding and grinding robots, we guarantee the best quality in all aspects of our welding process.

Critical Tolerances

  • Hole diameters: +/- .005
  • Hole-to-hole centers: +/- .005
  • Flange dimensions: +/- .010
  • Overall formed/welded dimensions: +/- .030
ISO Certified

Spot Welding
One method of welding is Spot Welding, also known as Resistance Spot Welding (RSW).Spot Welding does not require filler material, and instead works by using an electrical current to generate heat. This method of welding is best suited for materials with low thermal conductivity that will generate enough conductive metal to bond the metal together. Because of this, low carbon steel is one of the most suitable materials for Spot Welding. Spot Welding is best for high production volumes of parts.

Stud Welding
Stud Welding covers a range of welding techniques including Drawn Arc Stud Welding, Short Cycle Stud Welding, and Capacitor Discharge Stud Welding, which all produce strong welds. Stud Welding works by creating an electric arc between a fastener (stud) and the parent material. Stud Welding is a more flexible and economical choice than Spot Welding for a range of welding operations, and is also more versatile in the use of materials.

Welding Process Certifications

AWS D1.3

Structural Welding Code – Sheet Steel

AWS 9.1

Sheet Metal Welding Code – Aluminum


  • Robotic Fusion Arc 180L (x4)Robotic welding cell
  • GMAW (MIG) Welding
  • GTAW (TIG) Welding
  • Spot Welding
  • Stud Welding

Let us work with you!

We have the equipment, experience, and expertise to help you on your next project.