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Special Products & Mfg., Inc. - Rockwall (DFW) TXSpecial Products & Mfg., Inc.’s (SPM) is set to participate in and celebrate Manufacturing Day on October 7, 2016 with a plant tour and corporate presentation.

We’re eager to showcase today’s advanced, high-tech manufacturing workplace, tell event attendees about the …

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SPM - Fabricator MagazineSPM was featured in the June 2015 issue of The Fabricator. “Better ideas, better growth at Texas metal fabricator” outlines SPM’s transition to a employee focused culture..…

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Special Products & Mfg., Inc. (SPM) is happy to announce its new logo design and rebranding project. SPM has chosen to unify the organization’s public image under an easily recognizable visual brand identity. This new visual identity will anchor SPM

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